I have finished filming the Differential Equations Tutor,
Volume 1, which covers First Order Differential Equations!
This course weighs in at 4 DVDs and 10 hours in duration.
It has been released to manufacturing and will be available
for purchase in about 2 weeks. If you are on the email
list you will get an email notification when the DVD is
ready in about a week from today!
Members of MathTutorDVD.com can watch these videos
at any time and learn the techniques of solving
Calculus Differential Equations by viewing fully worked
example problems.
The last three sections of this course are posted here:
Section 10: Applications – Newton’s Law of Cooling
Section 11: Applications – Circuits, Part 1
Section 12: Applications – Circuits, Part 2
Volume 2 of the Differential Equations Tutor will
begin filming soon and will cover Second order and
higher differential equations solution methods!