We have completed filming and posted a new course on
Limits in Calculus 1.
This course covers the topics of Limit Theory with worked
step-by-step examples!
Chapter Contents:
Sect 1: Evaluating Simple Limits with Substitution, Part 1
Sect 2: Evaluating Simple Limits with Substitution, Part 2
Sect 3: Evaluating Limits by Factoring, Part 1
Sect 4: Evaluating Limits by Factoring, Part 2
Sect 5: Limits Involving Trig Functions
Sect 6: Tangent Lines, Velocity, and Limits
Sect 7: Formal Definition of a Limit
Sect 8: Limit Laws
Sect 9: Using the Limit Laws
Sect 10: The Squeezing Theorem
Sect 11: Left Hand and Right Hand Limits, Part 1
Sect 12: Left Hand and Right Hand Limits, Part 2
Sect 13: Continuity